The Arab International Aluminium Conference (ARABAL) is the premium platform for the aluminium industries in the Arab world. It is hosted on rotation basis by the primary aluminium manufacturers in the region, who collectively produced 5,229,115 tonnes of aluminium in 2016.
Mr. Mohammed Al Naki founded ARABAL in 1981 to establish greater cooperation between leaders in the Arab Aluminium Industry and the global players. The first conference was held in 1983 in Kuwait, when Kuwait Aluminium Co. began fulfilling a vision to establish a platform for collaboration and development for the aluminium industry in the region. Over the years, ARABAL has become an event of international repute, bringing together industry leaders from around the world to discuss current issues as well as explore businesses and investment opportunities in the region. Today ARABAL sees the participation of more than 500 top executives to attend its conference, and thousands to visit its exhibition.
After hosting the 15th edition of the conference in 2011, Sohar Aluminium hosted the 21st ARABAL Conference in November 2017, in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, focussing on the theme “Driving Strategic Growth across the Global Aluminium Industry”. The event included a strategic conference focusing on the current industry prospects and challenges, a site tour to the smelter, an international exhibition and various other workshops, meetings, and entertainment activities.
To read more details about ARABAL, please visit: www.arabal.com

The Gulf Aluminium Council (GAC)
The GAC is a coordinating body that represents, promotes, and protects the interests of the aluminium industry within the Gulf. The council’s main objectives are to provide a forum to develop strategies for common issues and concerns facing the aluminium industry in the region, and to share best practices to improve the efficiency of the industry.
The GAC supports the successful growth of the aluminium industry in the GCC by enhancing the working environment in the industry through the adoption of highest safety work practices, commitment to protecting the environment and safeguarding the health and well-being of its employees and communities. Through the council, GAC members continually explore opportunities for synergy between their operations. This will further improve the region’s international competitiveness.
To read more details about GAC, please visit: www.gulfaluminiumdubai.com

IAI member companies are engaged in the production of bauxite, alumina, aluminium, the recycling of aluminium, or fabrication of aluminium or as joint venture partners in such. While the Institute works closely with the national and regional aluminium associations, with which it shares many members, the associations themselves are not members of the IAI.
The IAI was established in 1972. Current IAI membership represents over 60% of global bauxite, alumina and aluminium production.
To read more details about IAI, please visit: international-aluminium.org

The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a global non-profit standards setting and certification organisation. We bring together producers, users, and stakeholders in the aluminium value chain with a commitment to maximise the contribution of aluminium to a sustainable society. Working together, we aim to collaboratively foster responsible production, sourcing, and stewardship of aluminium.
ASI has been built on the foundation of work being carried out on aluminium sustainability and material stewardship by organisations, such as the International Aluminium Institute (IAI), European Aluminium Association (EAA) and the Aluminium Association (AA) for over 20 years.
To read more details about IAI, please visit: aluminium-stewardship.org