Summer can be very challenging in the aluminium industry where working conditions can be very harsh especially for Operators. That is why Sohar Aluminium (SA) conducts a Heat Stress Management campaign for its workforce every year with the vision and goal of a ‘Zero Harm’ environment.
The campaign mainly focuses on giving awareness about the Heat Stress symptoms and ways to prevent it. And SA believes that changing behaviours start from early school years.
That is why this year SA extended its campaign to include Al Batinah International School (ABIS), one of the flagship schools in the region. The students were asked to participate in a drawing competition to deliver messages on preventing Heat Stress thus creating awareness among students and their parents helping them with their homework. These drawings were then displayed at the entrance of SA as a gallery for messages from the children to SA workforce to stay safe.
SA Management celebrated this wonderful initiative and awarded the kids with beach toys and sunscreens to remind them that they can always have fun if they play safe