Part of Sohar Aluminium's overall strategy is to promote and support the creation of a robust downstream aluminium industry in Oman to increase the value of producing Aluminium to Oman's economy as well as to create further employment and business opportunities.
Sohar Aluminium has helped establish and supply to 4 downstream companies out of which 3 are currently in operation.

Oman Aluminium Processing Industries SPC (OAPIL) is Oman’s leading aluminium rod and overhead line conductor manufacturer. The company was established in 2008 as a joint venture between two of Oman’s prestigious business groups, Oman Cables Industries (SAOG) and Takamul Investments Co (SAOC). OAPIL is fulfilling its role as an important player in the Sultanate’s Aluminium and Electrical Transmission sector by contributing to Oman’s industrialisation and creating an incomparable and skilled international workforce within the organisation.

Oman Aluminium Rolling Company LLC (OARC) was established in 2011 as a green field aluminium rolling mill plant at the Sohar Industrial Estate to produce flat rolled aluminium products. The OARC plant is one of the largest added value projects in the Aluminium processing industry in the Sohar Industrial Area, with a total cost of 385 million USD.

Oman Aluminium Cast LLC (OAC) is a specialized Aluminium horizontal Cast house designed to produce high current bus bars required by Aluminium smelters and other electrolysis plants. The Cast house is a one-of-its-kind present in the Middle East and South-East Asia.
The company is owned by the Lefebvre Engineering Group and two highly esteemed Omani businessmen. Lefebvre Engineering has a rich experience in the aluminium industry for more than 50 years.

SYNERGIES, is a pioneer and a leader in the manufacturing of Aluminium alloy wheels in India specialises in extremely high precision, high quality alloy wheels. This project is currently under construction and will be commissioned soon.