His Excellency, Sheikh Kalifa Bin Hamad AL-Bedi the Wali of Liwa presided over the opening ceremony of the garments stitching project at the Liwa Women Association. The ceremony was also attended by Mr. Amer Bin Mohammed Al-Hajri, Director General of Al-Batinah North Region for Social Development Department and Maryam AL-Mammari the chair woman of the Association. The purpose of this project is to train Omani ladies on the principles of dress making techniques. Each course will last for two months. In total, 30 women trainees participated in the first course. Most of the participants come from a low income background. 

Dr. Hilal Bin Abdullah Al-Hinai, General Manager of Corporate Affairs at Sohar Aluminium said “the training is the first step in the right direction, the objective of this project is to assist the trainees in acquiring the stitching skills and competencies that will enable them to start up their own businesses.” 

To insure the importance of learning and self-improvement, the important  role of the private sector  is to secure that there is subsistence and a good income source for the different classes within the community at large. At the end of the ceremony Maryam Al Mammari, Chairwoman of the Association thanked Sohar Aluminium for its continued support for the Omani citizens through the sponsorship of events and training workshops. In addition the Association will strategically implement plans that will provide the women with a mandate of experience and to be an active member in the society. She also expressed her happiness for the government and private institutions that help Omani people to be independent. 

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Abdullah AL Ma'amari - Official Associations Development Director, Amer AL Hajri - General Manager of Social Development, Dr. Hilal bin Abdullah Al Hinai - General Manager Corporate Affairs at Sohar Aluminium, His Excellency Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al Badi, Mahmoud Shezawi - Acting Director of Shinas, Maryam Al Mammari - Manager of the Association.