Abdulrahman Al Harthi

Al Muthir Al Kharusi

Farid Al Awlaqi

Omar Al Hashmi

Eric Murray

The Finance Audit and Risk Committee (FinCo)
The Finance Audit and Risk Committee (FinCo), is represented by one member from each Shareholder, the Chief Financial Officer and the Internal Audit and Compliance Manager of Sohar Aluminium, considers and reviews all finance, risk, and audit related concerns which are to be presented to the Board for approval and indicates its support or otherwise regarding such matters. The Committee also acts as the Audit Committee of the company and meets every quarter.

The Human Resources Committee (HRC)
The Human Resources Committee (HRC), is represented by one member from each Shareholder and the Chief Executive Officer, General Manager Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, Human Resources Administration Manager and Talent and Organisational Effectiveness Manager of Sohar Aluminium. In addition, the Human Resources Administration Manager of Sohar Aluminium serves as the Secretary to the meeting. The Committee supports and advises the Board on all Human Resources related matters. The HRC meets twice a year.

The Business Review Committee (BRC)
The Business Review Committee (BRC), is represented by a minimum of one member from each Shareholder, together with the SA Management team supported by the Executive Committee (ExCo). The Committee meets prior to the scheduled Board meetings, to consider and review significant capital expenditure, proposed capital planned items, technical review, and plant operational performance. As output, the Committee prepares a report for the Board’s consideration indicating its support, or otherwise, regarding such matters. The BRC meets twice a year in person and organises two telephonic conferences in the interim.